Marco Daugalies
Managing Director
The Managing Director and founder of ACENTUM is Marco Daugalies, who has been working in the business field of global mobility / international HRM for more than 20 years and has a deep as well as a wide range of experience and knowledge in this business field.
Prior to the foundation of ACENTUM in 2018, Marco Daugalies was co-founder and CEO of a well-known and internationally operating full-service global mobility consulting firm with headquarters in Zurich (Switzerland). From the foundation in 2002 he led the company for 15 years and developed it into one of the leading consulting firms in the global mobility industry, which continues to be one of the leading global mobility companies headquartered in Switzerland with an excellent reputation, not only in Switzerland and Europe but also worldwide.
Over more than the past 15 years, Marco Daugalies has published a very large number of professional articles in the field of global mobility in leading european global mobility / international human resources as well as management magazines. Furthermore he has been regularly invited to moderate or participate at professional experts-round-table talks at conferences in Europe and the U.S., to lead conferences as presenter and especially to hold presentations at various leading global mobility management conferences in Asia, Europe and the U.S..
Marco Daugalies holds a university degree in business administration (with focus on Marketing and international Human Resources Management) from a renowned business school and has held various positions in Germany and Switzerland with renowned international companies in the financial, industry and consulting sectors.
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